Multiplicity of suns and moons in the universe
The Quran spoke regarding the sun and the moon, however, scientists proved that the universe contains billions of suns and moons, is there a koranic sign concerning this occurrence?….
Some of the readers ask regarding the meaning of Allah’s almighty saying: “And from among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate yourselves not to the sun and the moon. But prostrate yourselves to Allah who created them, if you (really) worship Him” [Fussilat: 37].
Allah almighty tells us that every thing prostrates to him. The Imam Al-Tabari says in explaining this verse: And among Allah’s proofs for his creations and signs for his uniqueness are the differences in night and day and how each of them follows the other, and the sun and the moon…etc. We notice from this verse that Allah almighty said: “created them” in plural format, which indicates the multiplicity of suns.
This verse speaks regarding the sun and the moon. Who ever reads this verse, he would think that the word must be in plural format of two things; however the word as mentioned in the Quran came in a plural format of a group of more than two; why is that?
The Quran, my dears, contains hidden signs that don’t appear immediately but must wait until the developing science to discover scientific and universal facts which will enable us to understand the verse correctly. Allah almighty tells in this verse regarding the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. These are some of Allah’s creations He commanded us to think about. However, Allah (SWT) commanded us to prostrate to him and not to prostrate to the sun or the moon. In the verse, “Prostrate yourselves not to the sun and the moon. But prostrate yourselves to Allah who created them (plural format of more than two), if you (really) worship Him”, the word created them wasn’t in plural format of two which proves that there is more than one sun and more than one moon!
During the revelation of the Quran, 1400 years ago, no one knew about the existence of moons and suns rather than our moon and our sun. However, the new discoveries in astronomic science proves the existence of at least hundred thousand million sun like our sun and these are the ones exist only in our galaxy, what if we counted up all the suns in the universe?! Of course, each star we see in the sky is a sun!
Scientists also proved the existence of planets other than the earth. There are planets that are similar to earth and some of them have moons revolving around them exactly like the moon revolves around the earth. The scientists assure that the universe contain more than billions of moons!
This virtual image is for our galaxy “The Milky Way”. It is a galaxy that contains more than hundred thousands of stars, and each star resembles the sun in its job. Scientists say that this galaxy also contains billions of planets and billions of moons. All that in one galaxy, so what if we counted up the number of suns and moons in the universe which consists of more than hundred thousands millions galaxy!
The miracle sign
If we visualize the noble verse, we notice that it marks the existence of numerous suns. Allah (SWT) says: “prostrate yourselves to Allah who created them (plural format of more than two).” Scientists also say that there are numerous of moons that revolve around billions of planets in far away galaxies. This indicates that the Quran gave hidden signs regarding the large quantity of suns and moons fourteen years ago before the scientific discovery.
From here we realize the amazing koranic sign concerning the multiplicity of suns and moons in Allah’s (SWY) saying: “prostrate yourselves to Allah who created them (plural format of more than two)”.
Glory to Allah who created everything, in one word, there is a miracle for who understand and comprehend its meaning. Allah almighty said: “Nay, but they, the clear Ayat (signs) are preserved in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge (among the people of the scriptures). And none but the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers) deny Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc))” [Al-Ankabut: 49].
Manolis Plionis, Spiros Cotsakis, Modern Theoretical and Observational Cosmology, Springer, 2002.
Matts Roos, Introduction to Cosmology, John Wiley and Sons, 2003
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