Tuesday, 29 January 2013
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Being
rich does not mean having a great amount of property, but
[it] is being content [with what one has]." - Sahih Al-
Bukhari, Volume 4, Hadith 453

The Power of Bones' Lattice Systems

 Photo: The Power of Bones' Lattice Systems

Our bones, which assume very important roles such as carrying and protecting the body, were created with the capacity and strength to carry out these functions. The human thighbone, for example, has the capacity to carry a weight of one ton. Indeed, with each step we take, a load that is 3 times heavier than our body weight is imposed on this bone. In fact, when a pole-vaulter lands on the ground, every centimeter of hipbone is exposed to a pressure of 1,400 kilos.

In order to have a full grasp of the perfection of the design of bones, let us make a comparison as follows: One of the strongest and most useful materials man uses is steel, because steel is both strong and flexible. However, our bones are both stronger and 10 times more flexible than solid steel. Also, bones are much more lightweight than steel. A carcass made of steel would be 3 times heavier than a human skeleton.

It is also instructive to compare the perfect design of bones with modern construction techniques. Until the second half of the twentieth century, the task of constructing tall buildings was costly and time consuming. However, with various technological advances, many new construction design techniques have been developed. One of the most important of these is known as "lattice systems." Under this system, the carrying components of construction consist not of a single piece but are made of numerous rods crossing each other in the form of a lattice. With the help of complex calculations made by computers, impressive bridges and industrial structures can be built much more strongly and cost-effectively using this technique.

The interior structures of bones are also built with the same lattice system that we now use in bridge and building constructions. When a bone is cut and examined, a very interesting system is seen in its interior design. Crossing each other, thousands of small rods form a complicated structure. This structure is essentially the lattice system built inside bones. By means of this, our bones are both very strong and light in such a way that we can use them easily.

If the opposite was the case, in other words if the insides of our bones were hard and completely filled, the weight of the bones would be much higher than the weight we can bear and they would crack and break at the slightest blow.

The structure of bones, which man tries to imitate by using today's technology, is only one example of the matchless creation art of God. Everyone needs to see the magnificence of God's perfect and unique creation in his own body and be thankful, reflecting upon it.

The Power of Bones' Lattice Systems

Our bones, which assume very important roles such as carrying and protecting the body, were created with the capacity and strength to carry out these functions. The human thighbone, for example, has the capacity to carry a weight of one ton. Indeed, with each step we take, a load that is 3 times heavier than our body weight is imposed on this bone. In fact, when a pole-vaulter lands on the ground, every centimeter of hipbone is exposed to a pressure of 1,400 kilos.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The best prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer at night.” Narrated by Muslim, 1163.

And he said: “You should pray qiyaam al-layl, for it is the custom of the righteous who came before you and it brings you closer to your Lord, and expiates sins and prevents misdeeds.”




When the Heaven shall be cleft asunder, and become rose red, like stained leather. (Surat ar-Rahman, 37)

Self-Sacrifice in Animals


Self-Sacrifice in Animals

Living beings have to reproduce to continue their species. However, reproduction by itself often proves insufficient, because if living things fail to provide adequate care for their offspring, the newborn cannot survive. In other words, if living things did not feel the need to protect and look after their offspring and did not do this successfully, newborn creatures would not be able to look after themselves and would soon die.



It is said that the Prophet Solomon was taught the speech of birds in addition to the endowments that God’s grace had adorned him with. The Quran refers to the communication between birds and to the fact that the twittering and singing of birds has particular meanings. Birds, like human beings, do communicate. This undeniable communication is certainly not as developed as it is in man.

And Solomon was David’s heir. He said: “O my people! We have been taught the speech of birds…” (27:16)

Research conducted by zoologists has established that sounds emitted by animals are meaningful and not haphazard. Birds, ants, dolphins, etc., have systems of communication.


As the Quran speaks of the language of birds, let us take a look at research conducted on birds. Brazilian and American ornithologists have studied the hummingbird (one of the tiniest birds in the world) and published their findings in the British journal Nature. The author of the article, Maria Luisa Da Silva, says that the vocabulary of the hummingbird is not innate but develops afterward. In other words, the hummingbird learns to speak as human beings do.

Studies on crows have demonstrated that they emit a variety of sounds, namely, to call the colony of crows to come together, to express alarm, and to communicate a state of distress. Ornithologists, who have recorded these sounds using a sonograph, are still engaged in deciphering the meanings behind them. Bernd Heinrich, among these scientists who speak of the difficulty in decoding the sonograms, associates this research work with the work of the inhabitants of other planets visiting our earth and trying to decipher eating, playing, making love and activities like catching fish using a sonograph. What we are trying to do is to imagine ourselves in their place. Bernd Heinrich speaks of the difficulty encountered in deciphering the language of animals in general, as different species have different ways of communication, each calling for a different approach.

There is a body language, expressed by the changes in your body position and movements, that show what you are feeling or thinking. Nodding means “yes,” hailing is a sign of calling to someone in order to greet him or try to attract his attention. Although the sounds emitted by birds are a means of communication, they also have, in general, a body language. Their body language is easier to decipher. For instance, a bird that emits a sound by touching its beak with his tongue means “I am a friend, I have no intention to harm you.” Theresa Jordan gives a whole list of signs, demonstrating thereby that even the body language necessitates a glossary.

The physiology of birds is as interesting as their language, the long distances they cover without swerving from their destination are something to marvel at. Ornithologists studying birds will see God’s perfect artistry revealed in these creatures too.

All the creatures on earth, and all the birds that fly with wings are communities like you. We did not leave anything out of this Book. Then they will all be gathered before their Lord. (6:38)

It is said that the Prophet Solomon was taught the speech of birds in addition to the endowments that God’s grace had adorned him with. The Quran refers to the communication between birds and to the fact that the twittering and singing of birds has particular meanings. Birds, like human beings, do communicate. This undeniable communication is certainly not as developed as it is in man.