Tuesday, 22 January 2013
*Reminder *

1. “When Nikahs become expensive,
Zina becomes cheap, so keep
weddings as simple and affordable as
possible.” [Shaikh Khalid Yasin]

2. Invest in a marriage over a wedding.
Invest character over material. Invest in
the akhira over the dunya. Don't make
what Allah made easy complicated.
Everything is measured or weighed differently. The true weight of a human being is measured by piety & character.

Your wealth, looks, intelligence, position, health etc will ultimately be of no use but your humility, character & piety will always be remembered & come to your rescue.

Be very humble at all times with all people & be conscious of your Maker.

- Mufti Ismail Menk.
Some people have eyes, yet they don't use them to see. They see what is in front of them, yet they don't understand the bounties in front of them! What do we use your eyes for? Our eyes are a blessing Allah has bestowed you with, yet do we use them to disobey Him?

"And among them are those who look at you. But can you guide the blind although they will not [attempt to] see?" [10:43] (a reminder to myself first and foremost, in'sha'Allah)

On the authority of Anas, who said: I heard the messenger (peace be upon him) of Allah say: Allah the Almighty has said:

My Sisters and Brotherz in islam

My Sisters and Brotherz in islam

Can i ask you a Q ???

if you are one of the girl / Boy who post photos of her / Him to show her / his beauty towards ( Boys / Girls )

My Q is if you are one of them then You just imagine dat u Suddenly die

who can delete those photos after you ????

ALLAH says in Quran

Hormonal Communication Exchanges

Hormonal Communication Exchanges

Most young people, especially those still in the process of growth, have a very high rate of metabolism, and the food they consume is quickly turned into energy. The reason for this is that, when they were younger, the body cells produce energy from their food at a higher rate.

The black holes are near to us


The black holes are near to us

Certainly, Scientists discovered a giant black hole at the center of our galaxy which is 4 million times double the sun, Qur’an had referred to these creatures,…

Convergence of markets

Photo: Convergence of markets

Prophet of mercy (peace be upon him) told Muslims 1400 years ago about some future events that really happened  today as we see in our life, let us read ….

Allah almighty says about day of resurrection: (Whoever hopes for the Meeting with Allah, then Allah's Term is surely coming and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower* And whosoever strives, he strives only for himself. Verily, Allah stands not in need of any of the ‘Âlamîn (mankind, jinn, and all that exists).)(Sûrat Al-‘Ankabût- verse 5-6) so that all of us must be ready for that day.

Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) said about that day:(day of resurrection will not come before the emergence of trials , lying increases, Convergence of markets and convergence of time ){Narrated by Ahmed}, in this noble Hadith  the prophet told his companions about some future events that will happen and these events are signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he spoke about these events at the time when Islam was weak and the prophet and his companions were striving to spread that religion but he was speaking as if he was living with us and see what is happening.

In that Hadith there are four miracles which represent our reality nowadays:

1.                   Emergence of trials

Look at what is happening in many Muslim countries: wars, fighting and conflicts on power …..All of these are happening in Muslim countries, why? Because we became away from principles of Islam and orders of Allah almighty, as a result we see these trials around us.     

2.                   lying increases

Scientists all over the world are working hard to reveal lying and they are spending thousands of millions to invent an effective lying detection machine, also we see a lot of lying in newspapers and TV news around us as lying became an ordinary behavior around us. All of these weren't exist at the time of the prophet.  

3.                   Convergence of markets

Nowadays, in all countries all over the world we see a lot of markets as we can see a market between two markets and this phenomenon wasn't exist at the time of the prophet.

4.                   convergence of time

in the past message used to take days and months to reach its destination but now we can send a message in a few seconds , also the news are flying between countries of the world in less than a second …isn't a convergence of time?

At the end we ask a simple question, who told that illiterate man about some future events and who told him that it will happen as he said that it will happen and didn’t say it may happen?...Indeed Allah almighty is the doer.  

It is time for atheists to think and make a recalculation for their beliefs as they must understand and realize that Allah almighty is the source of this information as divine evidence that message of Islam is sincere.


Convergence of markets

Prophet of mercy (peace be upon him) told Muslims 1400 years ago about some future events that really happened today as we see in our life, let us read ….

Allah almighty says about day of resurrection: (Whoever hopes for the Meeting with Allah, then Allah's Term is surely coming and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower* And whosoever strives, he strives only for himself. Verily, Allah stands not in need of any of the ‘Âlamîn (mankind, jinn, and all that exists).)(Sûrat Al-‘Ankabût- verse 5-6) so that all of us must be ready for that day.

Many people were talking about the end of the world in 2012 !

Many people were talking about the end of the world in 2012 !

I want to know if they changed their faith now or yet ?

I also want to remind everybody that when you die , it is the end of the world for you so you don't have to wait for the day of resurrection !

Photo: The Prophet  said: “There are seven whom Allaah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allaah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but be says: ‘I fear Allaah’, a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allaah in private and so his eyes shed tears.” (the same goes for women)
Narrated by Abu Hurairah & collected in Saheeh al-Bukhari (english trans.) vol.1, p.356, no.629 & Saheeh Muslim (english trans.) vol.2, p.493, no.2248  

In this beautiful Hadeeth, the Prophet  spoke about small acts of worship which result in such a huge reward: shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His Shade [1]. This may not seem like much at first but then reflect upon the following Hadeeth: “On the Day of Resurrection, the sun would draw so close to the people that there would be left a distance of only one mile. The people will be submerged in perspiration according to their deeds, some up to their ankles, some up to their knees, some up to the waist and some would have the bridle of perspiration and, while saying this, the Messenger of Allaah put his hand towards his mouth.”
Narrated by al Miqdaad ibn Aswad & collected in Saheeh Muslim (eng. trans) vol.4, p.1487-8, no. 6852}.

May Allah Guide us all to Truth and keep us on the straight path, and improve our affairs and purify us for the hereafter, Aameen.The Prophet said: “There are seven whom Allaah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allaah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but be says: ‘I fear Allaah’, a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allaah in private and so his eyes shed tears.” (the same goes for women)
Narrated by Abu Hurairah & collected in Saheeh al-Bukhari (english trans.) vol.1, p.356, no.629 & Saheeh Muslim (english trans.) vol.2, p.493, no.2248

Secrets of the sun and lunar eclipses

Photo: Secrets of the sun and lunar eclipses

The miracles of the prophet Mohamed's' sayings are not less significant as the Quran; the illiterate prophets' sayings are revealed from Allah almighty …

Allah almighty says: " By the star when it  goes down * Your companion (Mohamed(peace be upon him)) has neither gone astray nor has erred* Nor does he speak of his own desire* it is only a Revelation revealed* He has been taught (this Quran) by one mighty in power ( Gabriel)  " [An-Najm: 1-5] .

During the prophet's time, the phenomenon of the sun eclipsed had occurred. People, then, were saying that the sun eclipsed for the death of Ibrahim, the prophets' son peace be upon him who died in the same day of the phenomena. 

It was usual for the ancients to attribute any phenomena to myths and legends, such as attributing the sun eclipse to the death of an important king, or that it is a sign for losing a battle or for removing the king's property.

Among the funny things that ancient people used to believe is that the sun eclipsed due to a dragon that swallowed it. So they used to beat on the drums and threw arrows toward the sky to scare away that dragon, then they said that the dragon was frightened so he threw the sun back and run away! Other people believed that when the sun eclipsed, then an important event is about to happen due to attributing the sun with gods. While we judge these thoughts as mere myth, people during that time thought they were strong facts.

When people came to the prophet Mohamed "peace be upon him" and said that the sun had eclipsed for the death of Ibrahim, what did he tell them? Did he agree with them or did he correct their beliefs? He "peace be upon him" said: "The sun and the moon are among Allah's (SWT) signs that don't eclipse for the death or the life of someone" Correct Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim may Allah (SWT) have mercy on them. 

We can from this Hadith conclude several unique miracles for the prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him" and will discover that he is the first human (of course inspired by Allah (SWT)) to lay the foundation of studying astronomy. 

Perhaps among the important effects of the solar eclipse is the confusion that appears on some animals and birds. Birds stop singing,some animals think that the night descended, so they snooze in their nests,and roses that open during the day and close during the night will close during the sun eclipse. There are also important effects on tides and many other results.

How does this phenomenon occur? What are the causes and what are the results?

The earth we live on orbits around the sun once every year. The moon also orbits around the earth once every lunar month. It happens that, in certain times, when the sun is bright and sending its rays, the moon while rotating comes in front of it and covers it totally, so we say that the sun has eclipsed.

The phenomenon of the sun eclipse is very dangerous. That's because the sun is the lamp that transmits lights and dangerous radiations. The most dangerous radiation is infrared which is transmitted via the sun on a permanent basis but does not harm us because we don't look directly to the sun. When the moon comes in front of the sun and covers only part of it, we call this phenomenon a partial eclipse. However, if the moon covers the sun totally, the phenomenon is a total eclipse, where the sun disappears and the world suddenly is dark for a minute or two.

When the moon passes in front of the sun and covers part of its light, we can see the sun, but the infrared radiation is invisible. If we look momentarily at the sun during the eclipse, the retina will get serious injuries and infections. Also, this radiation might cause temporary or permanent blindness. Scientists recommend not looking at the sun during eclipse because it sends large amount of infrared radiation.

The moon doesn't send out any rays; Allah (SWT) precisely describes it saying:" and a moon giving light " [Al-Furqan: 61], without originally producing light or rays. The moon reflects rays, and we receive the safe ones. Allah (SWT) describes it as an object that reflects light, while the sun is the light and the illumination source. Based on this fact, watching the moon while in eclipse doesn't cause any harm.

The other phenomenon is the lunar eclipse. The moon reflects the sun's light toward our planet, so we see it illuminating in our sky. Allah (SWT) says: "Blessed be He Who has placed in the heaven big stars, and has placed therein a great lamp (sun), and a moon giving light " [Al-Furqan: 61] .

During lunar phenomenon, the earth locates in the middle of the moon and the sun masking the sun's light, so the moon appears as a dim copper disc.

While sun and lunar eclipse occur on the earth, the eclipse phenomenon occurs for other planets. Most planets in the universe have moons that orbit around them, and sometimes, these moons pass in front of the sun covering the sun's light and leaving the planets dark for a few minutes.  Scientist"from NASA" were able to take a photograph for the planet Jupiter during the eclipse as seen on the picture. The black spots represent the planet's moon's shadow during the eclipse

We can conclude from these facts that the sun and the moon revolve in a controlled and accurate system, and the eclipse phenomenon is a natural process that doesn't occur in a result of someone's death or life.

 Secrets of the sun and lunar eclipses

The miracles of the prophet Mohamed's' sayings are not less significant as the Quran; the illiterate prophets' sayings are revealed from Allah almighty …

The whole body decays except the coccyx ,

Scientific miracle in the sunnah :

The whole body decays except the coccyx ,

In a number of Prophetic Hadeeths, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, mentioned that the tailbone is a small bone at the base of the spinal column. It is a remnant of the primary strand from which the human body is created in the embryonic stage, and it remains after his death and even after his body decomposes. It is this coccyx from which man will be brought back to life on the Day of Resurrection.

Photo: Blessed olive oil “Consume olive oil and apply it as lotion for it is blessed.”
‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Consume olive oil and apply it as lotion for it comes from a blessed tree.” [At-Tirmithi]

‘Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the
Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Consume olive oil and
apply it as lotion for it is blessed.” [Ibn Maajah]
The same Hadeeth was also narrated by Imaam Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy upon him, in Musnad Al-Makkyyeen. Abu Sufyaan, may Allaah be pleased with him, told the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that he was sick, thereupon the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said:
“ Consume olive oil and apply it as lotion for it comes from a blessed tree.”
Moreover, the olive tree and its oil were mentioned in the Noble Quran seven times. Allaah The Almighty Swore by the fig and the olive: {By the fig, and the olive} [Quran 93:1]
Allaah The Exalted also referred to the olive tree Saying (what means):
{And [We Brought forth] a tree [olive] issuing from Mount Sinai which produces oil and food for those who eat.} [Quran 23:20]
This same tree was praised by Allaah The Almighty within the context of a simile. Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched
by fire.} [Quran 24:5]
The olive tree is an evergreen tree, which has a high tolerance of dryness.
It is a perennial plant that might live even for more than 1000 years. The cultivated olive (Olea europaea) is grown throughout the eastern Mediterranean region and in other parts of the world that have Mediterranean-type climates especially in Asia and Africa. The olive tree has been known since the times of the most ancient civilizations as one of the most important oil producing plants.

It has been recently proven that the amount of fatty acids in olive oil is very low and that it only contains unsaturated fats. That is  why it is considered very healthy, as it is free of the substances that lead to arteriosclerosis and even to the occlusion of the arteries. Through an accurate survey it was found that consuming olive oil regularly helps protect the body from many diseases including occlusion of the coronary arteries, an increase in the ratio of harmful fats in the blood, an increase in blood pressure, diabetes, some carcinogenic diseases (e.g. cancer of the stomach, the colon, the breast, the uterus and the skin), in addition to
protection from ulcers of the digestive system.
One of the main body fats is "cholesterol,” a white crystalline fat which is present in high amounts in the brain, the spinal cord, and the liver. It is normally synthesized in the liver, the intestine, and the skin, and is important as a mediator in many vital processes. The most important one of these processes is the synthesis of vitamin E and many hormones.
Nevertheless, eating excessive amounts of animal fats may lead to
increasing the level of cholesterol in the body. Part of this cholesterol will pass to the blood forming a fat globule that may lead to the obstruction or occlusion of the blood vessels, and may consequently lead to arteriosclerosis.
It is well-known that the oxidation of cholesterol is one of the factors that help accelerate the hardening of the arteries and their consequent narrowing. It has lately been discovered that olive oil plays an important role in preventing this oxidation process from occurring, as it contains vitamin E and other polyphenolic compounds, which prevent the selfoxidation of the oil. It also prevents the oxidation of harmful cholesterol known as LDL (Low-density lipoprotein), and purifies the body from the dangers of lipid peroxides as well as other harmful substances.
Therefore, consuming olive oil regularly helps lower the total amount of holesterol in the blood generally, and reduces the ratio of harmful types of cholesterol in particular. The low cancer rate, which is detected in the Mediterranean region, is attributed to the fact that the inhabitants of this region have regular large amounts of olives and olive oil (especially the virgin oil produced from the first squeezing process that is free from any chemical treatment).
Olive oil is a yellow liquid, rich in oleic acids, used in cooking and as a salad dressing. It is also used in producing many medicines, medical ointments, hair oils, and soap. Moreover, it produces a clear flame when ignited; hence, it was used in lighting lanterns. Olive oil was used in lighting lamps, especially in large mosques such as the Aqsa Mosque, we pray Allaah The Almighty to help us set it free from the Jews.
In addition to the above-mentioned health benefits of the olive tree and its oil, olives constitute a relish for those who eat them, a nourishing food, and an appetizer, and olives can be stored and preserved in salt, which increases their economic value.
Glorified be He Who praised olives and their oil in His perfect Book,
swore by it, and inspired the seal of His Prophets to speak about this scientific fact, the real aspects of which have only been known since the 1980s. Being inspired about the advantages of olives and their oil the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: “Consume olive oil and apply it as lotion for it is blessed (or comes from a blessed tree).”Blessed olive oil “Consume olive oil and apply it as lotion for it is blessed.”
‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Consume olive oil and apply it as lotion for it comes from a blessed tree.” [At-Tirmithi]

‘Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the
Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Consume olive oil and
apply it as lotion for it is blessed.” [Ibn Maajah]

Facts about Seas in Quran

Photo: Facts about Seas in  Quran 

The holy verse:

Allah be he exalted says: (Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with waves topped by waves, topped by dark clouds, (layers of) darkness upon darkness: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.) [Surat An-Nur, verse: 40].

The explanation of the verse:

Allah the almighty talks in this Quranic text about those who disbelieved in God's verses and denied His meeting and disclaimed the Prophet. So those people and their works that they have done in their lives are like a man that runs behind a mirage, panting behind it and when he reaches it he found nothing but his bad work. And this unbeliever is like a man living in the darkness of a deep sea and can hardly see anything because of the accumulated darkness.

Al-Imam Al-Qurtuby may Allah have mercy on him said: (in a vast deep sea) is the sea that we couldn't see its bottom and vast means the sea when the waves clash. And it was recently discovered that there are interior waves in the deep sees.

Scientific fact:

When scientists went down to the depths of the oceans, they found that deep sees have great darkness. And at the depth of one kilometer one could hardly see something and the darkness increases if the surface sea waves are high as they contribute in blocking the sunlight.

They have also found that at the depths of the deep sees, there are internal waves that no one could see unless he goes down to depths of more than one thousand meters and these waves could be harder than the surface waves.

The point of inimitability:

In this Quranic text there are two scientific signs:

1-Talking about the darkness in the deep sees and this is what scientists have recently discovered and it wasn't known at the time of the coming down of Quran.

2-Referring to the internal deep waves and it was also recently discovered by scientists and it was mentioned in the verse as Almighty Allah says: (overwhelmed with waves topped by waves).The holy verse:

Allah be he exalted says: (Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with waves topped by waves, topped by dark clouds, (layers of) darkness upon darkness: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.) [Surat An-Nur, verse: 40].

The Burning Sea

Photo: The Burning Sea 

There are some facts which testify that Allah who descended the Qur'an is great, He be blessed and exalted told us about a burning sea and He swear by it, today the scientists show as some photos for that scene in the deep sea….

The earth fractures extend to cover seas and oceans, in the deep seas there are fractures where the molten fluid is leaking through it from the bottom of the earth. The modern science discovered these fissures where the molten lava is flowing out in the water for hundreds of meters that scene looks like a sea which is burning. The Qur'an told us about that scene when God says :( And by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection) (Sûrat at-Tûr- verse 6).

Fourteen century ago, there were many myths and superstitions. Therefore, if the Qur'an was a human made, we may find some of these myths and superstitions in it. But the Qur'an is free of any of them which indicate that it is a divine book.

But the question is, what is the purpose of these fractures and how can it benefit the earth? The answer is that without these fractures and if the earth is one block, the heat and pressure will be kept inside it which will cause the earth crust to smash and the life to end.  

So, we can say that these fractures work as holes for the earth to breath, in another word we can say it works as a safety valve to keep the earth stable and balanced. 

The burning sea became a reality as we can see the molten lava in the deep oceans and seas while flowing and heating the bottom of the oceans till it freezes to form the mountains in the seas and oceans which form the volcanic islands. At the time of the descending of Qur'an no one knew that fact, who told prophet Mohamed about that?

He is Allah Almighty who know the secrets and knows everything, also He says about the burning seas: (And when the seas become as blazing Fire or overflow.)(Sûrat at-Takwîr- verse 6). After that the day of resurrection will come when the seas will explode, God says :( And when the seas are burst forth) (Sûrat Al-Infitâr- verse 3).

Here we can see how the Qur'an use the scientific facts to talk about future events as we see the seas are now burning in a limited way but at the day of resurrection all of them will burn and explode which is an evidence that day of resurrection will definitely occur.

After the molten lava accumulates, the volcanic islands are formed. Scientists confirm that at the bottom of all seas there are fissures where the molten lava are flowing out, this phenomenon is terrifying so that God swear by it that His torment will occur, God says :( And by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection) * Verily, the Torment of your Lord will surely come to pass * There is none that can avert it.)(Sûrat at-Tûr– verse 6-8).  

Let us read the full text :( By the Tûr (Mount)* And by a Book Inscribed *In parchment unrolled* And by Al-Bait-ul-Ma‘mûr (the house over the heavens parallel to the Ka‘bah at Makkah, continuously visited by the angels)*And by the roof raised high (i.e. the heaven) *And by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection)*Verily, the Torment of your Lord will surely come to pass* There is none that can avert it.) (Sûrat at-Tûr–verse 1-8).




1- Pacific Ocean. Britannica Student Library. Student Encyclopedia CD-ROM.

2- Scientists Catch Underwater Volcanic Eruption "In Action" in Pacific Ocean Depths, The National Science Foundation, November 27, 2006.There are some facts which testify that Allah who descended the Qur'an is great, He be blessed and exalted told us about a burning sea and He swear by it, today the scientists show as some photos for that scene in the deep sea….

The earth fractures extend to cover seas and oceans, in the deep seas there are fractures where the molten fluid is leaking through it from the bottom of the earth. The modern science discovered these fissures where the molten lava is flowing out in the water for hundreds of meters that scene looks like a sea which is burning. The Qur'an told us about that scene when God says :( And by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection) (Sûrat at-Tûr- verse 6).

Antidote for Harshness

Antidote for Harshness

It was narrated that Hudhaifa (radi Allahu anhu) said: “I was harsh in the way I spoke to my family, but not to others. I mentioned that to the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and he said, ‘Why don’t you ask for forgiveness? Ask Allah to forgive you, seventy times each day.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah]

In this hadith Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) tells us what to do if we find it difficult to be gentle and loving to those closest to us. He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told us to seek forgiveness from Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) many times a day.

This can be a sincere, heart-felt, “Astaghfirullah,” or one of the longer versions mentioned in Ahadith, such as “Astaghfirullaha wa atubu ilaihi.”

Repenting and asking for Allah’s forgiveness are good deeds in themselves because they are a way of feeling and demonstrating servitude to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). When we consider how small and insignificant we and our Allah-gifted talents are, in comparison to Him, it removes false pride from us that hardens our hearts and makes us arrogant and harsh.

Antidote for Harshness

Antidote for Harshness

It was narrated that Hudhaifa (radi Allahu anhu) said: “I was harsh in the way I spoke to my family, but not to others. I mentioned that to the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and he said, ‘Why don’t you ask for forgiveness? Ask Allah to forgive you, seventy times each day.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah]

In this hadith Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) tells us what to do if we find it difficult to be gentle and loving to those closest to us. He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told us to seek forgiveness from Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) many times a day.

This can be a sincere, heart-felt, “Astaghfirullah,” or one of the longer versions mentioned in Ahadith, such as “Astaghfirullaha wa atubu ilaihi.”

Repenting and asking for Allah’s forgiveness are good deeds in themselves because they are a way of feeling and demonstrating servitude to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). When we consider how small and insignificant we and our Allah-gifted talents are, in comparison to Him, it removes false pride from us that hardens our hearts and makes us arrogant and harsh.

Which heart is yours?

Photo: Which heart is yours?

“Some hearts are so soft that they tremble with the fear of Allaah even with the smallest of reminders. Whereas others are so hard that they do not even jitter with the most severe of reminders.”

“The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely -” (Qur’an, 8:2)
Which heart is yours?

“Some hearts are so soft that they tremble with the fear of Allaah even with the smallest of reminders. Whereas others are so hard that they do not even jitter with the most severe of reminders.”

“The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely -” (Qur’an, 8:2)
"The wind is from the mercy of Allah. It brings mercy and brings punishment. When you see it, do not curse it. Ask Allah for its good and seek refuge in Allah from its evil." [Abu Dawud]