Wednesday, 6 February 2013

I have some questions for those who accuse Islam of being religion of terrorism and intolerance :

-If we are intolerant , so why is there millions of Christians living in Egypt now even Egypt was taken by muslims in the time of 'Amr ibn al-'As ( around 1500 years ago ) ??

-Why didn't we kick them out of the country ? Why didn't we kill them even we were the stronguest army in the world at that time ?

-Why did we respect their religion and allow them to practise it freely ?

-Why didn't we put them in prisons ?

-Per contra , Where are muslims who were living in Andalucia ?

What do ou know about "Spanish Inquisition" ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Note : The photo above belong to Spanish Inquisition )


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