Story of a Bird and Sufyān ath-Thawrī
Imām al-Dhahabī mentions the following story in his entry for Sufyān ath-Thawrī:
”ʻAlī b. ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz said, Arim narrated to us saying, I went to Abū Manṣūr to visit him, he said to me, ‘Sufyān resided in this house, and there was here a nightingale belonging to my son.
He (Sufyān) said, ‘Why is this locked up (in a cage)? It should be freed.’
I said, ‘It belongs to my son, and he gives it to you as a gift.’
Sufyān said, ‘No, I will give him a dinar for it.’
He said, ‘He then took it and freed it, and it would go out and return
in the evening, and would be at the far end of the house.
Sufyān died, it followed his funeral procession and was flying over his
grave. After this on some nights it would go to his grave, and sometimes
would spend the night there, and sometimes would return back home.
They then found it dead by his grave and it was buried alongside Sufyān.”’
(cited in al-Fawāʼid al-Gharrah, 3/281)
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