Saturday, 2 February 2013
 Photo: Anas, radiyallahu anhu, related [Imam Ahmed] that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi was salam, said:

"If the last hour comes and in your hand you have a date palm seedling, then if you are able to plant it before that, then do so."

Ibn jareer related from umaarah bin khuzaimah bin thaabit who said:

"I heard umar bin al-khattaab, radiyallahu anhu, say to my father, `what prevents you from cultivating your land.' My father said to him, `I am an old man and i may even die tomorrow.' Umar said to him, `I think you should cultivate it.' [daawood said], then I saw umar bin al-khataab planting with his hands along with my father.'

Anas, radiyallahu anhu, related [Imam Ahmed] that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi was salam, said:

"If the last hour comes and in your hand you have a date palm seedling, then if you are able to plant it before that, then do so."

Ibn jareer related from umaarah bin khuzaimah bin thaabit who said:

"I heard umar bin al-khattaab, radiyallahu anhu, say to my father, `what prevents you from cultivating your land.' My father said to him, `I am an old man and i may even die tomorrow.' Umar said to him, `I think you should cultivate it.' [daawood said], then I saw umar bin al-khataab planting with his hands along with my father.'


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