What If You Never Got Thirsty?
Water is the most important source of life for human beings, as it is for all living beings. It is used in almost all functions in the body from the regulation of body temperature, the transportation of nutrients and oxygen, expelling waste products from the cells and easing digestion.
In addition, it protects the organs and tissues. For example, when we lose only two percent of the water that surround our cells, we face a 20% loss of energy and feel tired. Even this is enough to understand how important water is for human life. (Harun Yahya, The Miracle of Human)
The Water Detective: The Hypothalamus
There are systems which detect even the smallest changes taking place in the amount of water that is so important for the human body. The most notable of these is the hypothalmus, a region in our brain no larger than a bean. The hypothalamus immediately senses when the water level in our blood drops. And as a precaution against this, the pituitary gland, itself only one centimeter in size, and located just underneath the hypothalamus begins to secrete a hormone called “ADH.”
This hormone takes a long trip via the circulatory system and reaches the kidneys. In the kidneys, there are special receivers that fit this hormone, like a lock and key combination. When hormones reach these receivers, water disposal is applied and kept at a minimum level.
If the pituitary gland and the kidney cells, which understand and carry out the command “decrease water consumption” brought by this hormone, did not exist, we would need to drink 15 to 20 liters of water per day simply not to die of dehydration. Since we would need to dispose of the water continuously, it would not be possible to sleep or stay in one place for too long.
The Sense of Thirst
This perfect system established by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ADH working together flawlessly is not enough for us to survive. We need to know that we have to drink water – and how much we need to drink. Therefore, Allah created man with the sense of thirst. Let us assume that everything is flawless in our body, but that we did not get thirsty. We would die of thirst shortly after we were born. Since we did not have a sense of thirst, we would not realize why our bodies were in a state of crisis, and we were at risk of dying through dehydration . However, a person knows that he needs to drink water from the moment of his birth and how much water to drink, because we get thirsty in a perfect ratio to restore balance to our bodies. By means of this vital system created flawlessly the water balance in our body is protected.
Besides all of these, water, which is created according to this want of the body, is only one of the evidences of Allah’s infinite Creation.
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