Saturday, 2 February 2013

What’s there to Ask Forgiveness for?

 Photo: What’s there to Ask Forgiveness for?

The Prophet (sal allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “O people, turn in repentance to Allah! I swear by Allah that I turn in repentance to Him more than seventy times each day.” [Bukhari; Kitab ad-Da’awaat]

Do we feel grateful for everything Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) gives us every day of food, clothes, family? 

We don’t constantly thank Allah, yet if the same behaviour were exhibited towards us, after one favour we would withhold any other favours. So do we need to turn to him in repentance or not?

Do we thank Him for running water coming so easily out of taps (or do we complain for having to wash dishes)? 

Do we thank Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) for the light and fan working with the touch of a button (or do we complain for not having air-conditioning)?

Do we thank Him for the tree outside the window which shades in summer, beautifies the view, and sheds its leaves in winter so the warm sun can come in?

Do we thank Him for having someone to talk to anytime we want in the form of sisters/brothers? People are so lonely and dependent on friends because they don’t have siblings. 

Do we thank Him everyday for hands, feet, and organs that work or do we only mention them when something goes wrong.

But most of all, do we constantly thank Allah for making us Muslims, those with a fantastic future ahead of them? And do we care about the rest of His creation by trying to bring them into the mercy of Islam too? We got into the shade out of the blazing hot sun but did we care about the people we left behind and did we invite them to come in as well? 

Do we not need to repent to Allah for how we behave?

What’s there to Ask Forgiveness for?

The Prophet (sal allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “O people, turn in repentance to Allah! I swear by Allah that I turn in repentance to Him more than seventy times each day.” [Bukhari; Kitab ad-Da’awaat]

Do we feel grateful for everything Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) gives us every day of food, clothes, family?

We don’t constantly thank Allah, yet if the same behaviour were exhibited towards us, after one favour we would withhold any other favours. So do we need to turn to him in repentance or not?

Do we thank Him for running water coming so easily out of taps (or do we complain for having to wash dishes)?

Do we thank Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) for the light and fan working with the touch of a button (or do we complain for not having air-conditioning)?

Do we thank Him for the tree outside the window which shades in summer, beautifies the view, and sheds its leaves in winter so the warm sun can come in?

Do we thank Him for having someone to talk to anytime we want in the form of sisters/brothers? People are so lonely and dependent on friends because they don’t have siblings.

Do we thank Him everyday for hands, feet, and organs that work or do we only mention them when something goes wrong.

But most of all, do we constantly thank Allah for making us Muslims, those with a fantastic future ahead of them? And do we care about the rest of His creation by trying to bring them into the mercy of Islam too? We got into the shade out of the blazing hot sun but did we care about the people we left behind and did we invite them to come in as well?

Do we not need to repent to Allah for how we behave?


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